
エスペリアホテル京都 よくある質問


Can I extend my stay?
You can extend up to 2 p.m. with ¥1,000 per 60 minutes.
Can I stow luggage at the hotel before check-in?
Yes, we can store your luggage. Please send it to the C/O front desk of the hotel.
Usage of Electronic Money
We do not accept payment by electronic money. We accept cash or credit card for payment.
Can I order UberEATS to the hotel?
Yes. Please receive the delivery at the 1st-floor entrance or the 2nd-floor front desk.
Is there a coin-operated laundry at the hotel?
Available 24 hours a day on the 1st floor.
Are there smoking areas?
Available on the first floor. Please feel free to use the room.
Are there ice machines?
Ice machines are available on the 1st floor in front of the large public baths.
Availability of private guest parking
There is no parking lot including partnership parking. Please use the coin-operated parking lots nearby.
Are there recommended restaurants nearby?
A map of nearby shops is available at the front desk.

